Offer Pragmatism with Integrity.

As a member of society

  • Index
  • As a member of society

Corporate Social Responsibility

Business survival requires constant profit-seeking. However, We are not an organization that only seeks profits. We aim to be an organization that does not survive by putting distortion on and threatening others but valuing understanding.

Since the foundation of the Company, it has been our intention to act according to corporate ethics and social -responsibility.

Action Guidelines

  • Tax Payment

    Do not fail to pay taxes or delay tax payments.

  • Legal Compliance

    Do not engage in unlawful activities.

  • Future-Orientedness

    We see and move to the future not the past.

Our efforts to protect information

Basic Policy Regarding Protection of Customer Information and Personal Information

  • Basic Policy

    Rep1 Corp (hereinafter “Rep1”) is entrusted important customer information in the course of its business activities. Rep1 will prove itself worthy of such trust by performing its operations with a constant awareness of the potential harm to customers in case of information leakage or privacy infringement, and by handling customer information accurately and securely.

  • Establishment Purposes of the "Rep1 Information Management System" and "Rep1 Compliance Program"

    Rep1 will fully acknowledge and comply with laws, ordinances and any related Ministry and Agency guidelines in its effort to prevent unauthorized access to, loss, destruction, falsification or leakage of Personal Information. Furthermore, Rep1 will establish the “Rep1 Information Management System” (hereinafter “R1IMS”) and “Rep1 Compliance Program” (hereinafter “R1CP”). Rep1 will also educate its staff and take necessary preventative and corrective measures against leakage or loss of, or damage to Personal Information. Rep1 will also constantly exercise and review the R1IMS and R1CP as a part of its efforts toward the protection of Personal Information.

  • Organizational Activity

    Rep1 and all of its Employees will adopt thorough measures to protect important customer information by complying with any laws and other regulations relating to Personal Information. Rep1 assigns a Chief Personal Information Manager, who is responsible and authorized for the Personal Information management of the company. Moreover, Rep1 will request the cooperation of its contracting entities and individuals regarding information protection. This Basic Policy will be made available at all times on the Rep1 Website (
    The R1IMS and R1CP will be constantly improved.

  • Information Handling

    With respect to collection, utilization or provision of Personal Information, Rep1 will clearly indicate its information collection purpose to the applicable entity and/or individuals and handle such collected Personal Information appropriately within the specified scope of utilization, usage and/or provision. Such Personal Information will not be handled in any manner deviating from the pre-specified scope of utilization, usage and/or provision. Rep1 respects the rights of information owners. Any requests for disclosure, correction or deletion of information shall be handled within a reasonable and appropriate extent.

  • Utilization of Personal Information

    (1) Communication from company to customers

    • Business-related communication, response to customer inquiry or request, etc.
    • Product and service offers, sales and after-sales servicing, etc.

    (2) Communication to employees and employment applicants

    • Business-related communication/response, response to inquiry or request, etc.
    • Recruitment-related communication, provision of information/material, response to inquiry or request, etc.
  • Provision of Personal Information to Third Party

    Rep1 will appropriately manage the collected Personal Information. Personal Information will not be provided to any third party without the consent of the applicable information owner. However, exceptions will apply to cases where such provision is required under the laws, or is required for the protection of an individual's life, or physical/financial welfare and obtaining the consent of the information owner is difficult or impossible.

  • Prompt Handling of Complaints and Inquiries

    Rep1 will promptly handle any complaints, inquiries and requests for information disclosure, etc.
